My initial research analysed other tattoo shop websites to understand the content they shared and how they displayed it. To further understand the user base, I conducted a round of user interviews with tattoo artists, potential clients, and people with tattoos. These interviews gathered information on what they look for in a tattoo shop website and what information is helpful to them.
What users look for in a tattoo shop website
🦩 Artist specialities & artists previous work
🦩 Contact information with accessibility accesses
🦩 Frequently asked questions
🦩 Aftercare recommendations
The style of PSTC conveys the image of a safe and welcoming environment that people can come and get tattooed. The colors communicate an elegance that hints at extravagance without going overboard. Follow a tattoo shop being edgy but not threatening. The original paragraph font desired was Playfair Display however legible font research found the font to be difficult to read in large amounts. Switching to Arial and using Playfair Display for smaller headers.